Youth & Islamic Economic Journal 2024-06-18T11:09:25+07:00 Wijiharta Slamet Open Journal Systems <p><span class="tlid-translation translation" lang="en"><span class="" title="">Jurnal ilmiah untuk mempublikasikan karya akademis mahasiswa berbagai strata tentang ekonomi Islam ataupun <em>business plan </em>serta hasil penelitian akademisi, peneliti, dan praktisi yang berkaitan dengan pelaku bisnis dan profesional kalangan muda dan mahasiswa. <strong>Jurnal Youth &amp; Islamic Economic</strong> (YIE-j) diterbitkan oleh Bidang Kemahasiswaan <strong>Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam (STEI) Hamfara Yogyakarta</strong> atas kolaborasi Bagian Konseling Karir dengan KSEI ReLIEF STEI Hamfara Yogyakarta.</span></span></p> Analisis Hukum Islam Terhadap Akad Jual Beli Rumah Dengan Janji Jual Beli (Wa’ad Ghairu Mulzim) Pada Perusahaan Properti Syariah 2024-01-25T11:50:24+07:00 Fitria Zakiyatul Fauziyah CH <p><em>In today’s era the real estate trading business has grown rapidly. The purchase of property in particular could be both cash and mortage. From the muslim point of view, the business of the sale of property is conducted byy the akad sale of a particular agreement or the commonly called wa’ad ghairu mulzim. It’s a type of qualitative work. This study of the concept of the wa’ad ghairu mulzimis an unbinding promise put in writing and endorsed by the constitution. The sharia-based agreement has the distinction of being transparent, of being amenable to both the developer and the consumer, and of using principles for results or avoiding usury. The application of the wa’ad ghairu mulzim principle of housing at the Isykariman, West Java development company runs well and correspondens to Islam. On the application of that unbound promise applies the principle of justice of equality and equality, the written principle, and the certainly of the law.</em></p> 2024-01-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Youth & Islamic Economic Journal The Revolution Analysis Of Infrastructure Progress, In The Background Of Managing The City System Bani Abbassiyah Era 2024-01-26T20:17:58+07:00 Krisna Negara <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>The purpose of making this paper is to explore how the background of government and planning of the Abbasid Century city chose Baghdad as the center of government, as well as architecture and carvings typical of the Middle East that adorned the city. This paper uses data collection techniques that are used consisting of secondary data obtained through literature reviews, articles, and journals. The election results show, the city government of the Bani Abbasiyah era that chose Baghdad as the center of government there were 5 points, discussed the background of the caliph in managing the country, education, economic and administrative development, the development of art and architecture, and managing the development process and structuring of the city of Baghdad as the center the Abbasid era. Thus, this paper can be used as a reading in understanding how the Abbasid Age became an advanced Age and also experienced rapid economic development and its magnificent buildings.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Baghdad, Caliph, Architecture</p> 2024-01-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Youth & Islamic Economic Journal Mudharabah Financing Risk Management in Sharia Banking in Indonesia 2024-01-26T21:32:20+07:00 Zakiah Nurul Fadhilah Nuhbatul Basyariah <p><em>Financing risk management is an analysis process carried out by financial institutions to assess whether a customer is worthy of being provided with financing. Financing problems occur when the bank has distributed the financing, but the customer does not make payments according to the contract. This article aims to find out how to implement mudharabah financing risk management in banking in Indonesia. The research results show that implementing mudharabah financing risk management in sharia banking was carried out before the financing occurred. Two factors cause the risk of mudharabah financing, internal factors originating from the bank which are then minimized through analyzing the feasibility of prospective customers' financing applications by applying the 5C (Character, Capacity, Capital, Collateral, Condition of Economy) character analysis, namely: character, capability, capital, collateral and economic conditions. External factors come from the customers themselves, which are then resolved with 3R (Rescheduling, Reconditioning and Restructuring) for customers who still have good faith. However, customers who do not have good faith will be subject to the execution of the goods used as collateral. If the customer cannot pay due to force majeure, then the solution is through insurance.</em></p> 2024-01-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Youth & Islamic Economic Journal Strategic Map of Oil and Gas Resource Management Problems in Indonesia 2024-06-18T11:09:25+07:00 H Sasono W Wijiharta <p>This study aims to map the problems of oil and gas resource management based on the theory of environmental scanning of strategic management. The study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The method of data collection with literature studies from various scientific article publications. The study concluded that there were 8 problems in the internal environment, 9 problems in the industrial environment and 5 problems in the macro environment. Broadly speaking, there are two groups of problems in terms of oil and gas resource management, namely foreign intervention and socio-economic problems of affected communities. Foreign intervention problems dominate the macro environment and industrial environment, and some appear in the internal environment. The second group of problems, namely the socio-economic problems of affected communities, appear in the form of economic urgency and the culture of illegal drilling communities, lack of legal awareness of the community, environmental risks and illegal drilling accidents, violations of oil and gas distribution and smuggling. Islamic economics is proposed to overcome systemic problems of oil and gas resource management</p> 2024-01-11T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Youth & Islamic Economic Journal