Analisis Penerapan Prinsip Syariah Pada Hotel Syariah Berdasarkan Fatwa DSN MUI

  • Raoda Boga STEI Hamfara
Keywords: Sharia Hotel, Fatwa DSN MUI.


Sharia hotels are hotels whose provision, procurement and use of products and facilities as well as in business operations do not violate sharia rules, strive with its system to minimize and eliminate the possibility of misuse of facilities by service users. Sharia hotels are one of the business sectors in the field of halal industry that is growing rapidly today, throughout Indonesia. This study aims to determine the application of sharia principles in sharia hotels based on fatwa DSN MUI No: 108 / DSNMUI / X / 2016 concerning sharia hotels. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The method used is in the form of literature study. The results of this study show that MUI has issued a fatwa on sharia principles that must be applied by hotels that have claimed that the hotel is sharia, but there are some things that have not been explained in detail from the fatwa, so it requires more in-depth study.
