Developing Student Academic Skills through a Series of Mini Research Project, Presentations and Seminars

  • Maulida Maulida
Keywords: human capital development, training and development, academic training skills


Academic skill development is considered important in higher education learning. This study aims to find out whether the A-MELT training held for STEI Hamfara Yogyakarta students can be a vehicle for academic skill development for students. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods and content analysis. Based on the results of the description of activities and analysis of the content of the activities, it can be concluded that academic skill development can be held in the form of a series of training activities, as well as a series of A-MELT Training activities which contain mini research activities, presentations and seminars. The research process for determining the A-MELT theme stimulates students' sensitivity to community problems and relates them to Islamic Economics lecture materials as alternative solutions. The presentation preparation process hones academic skills to search various publications for the preparation of presentation materials. The presentation process hones academic skills in scientific presentation, sharing and discussion with students from abroad. The seminar is a vehicle to hone academic skills in guiding seminars with speakers from academics and practitioners held abroad
