The Analisis Revolusi Kemajuan Infrastruktur, Dalam Latar Belakang Manejemen Sistem Tata Kota Zaman Bani Abbassiyah

  • Krisna Negara Student
Kata Kunci: Keywords: Baghdad, Caliph, Architecture



The purpose of making this paper is to explore how the background of government and planning of the Abbasid Century city chose Baghdad as the center of government, as well as architecture and carvings typical of the Middle East that adorned the city. This paper uses data collection techniques that are used consisting of secondary data obtained through literature reviews, articles, and journals. The election results show, the city government of the Bani Abbasiyah era that chose Baghdad as the center of government there were 5 points, discussed the background of the caliph in managing the country, education, economic and administrative development, the development of art and architecture, and managing the development process and structuring of the city of Baghdad as the center the Abbasid era. Thus, this paper can be used as a reading in understanding how the Abbasid Age became an advanced Age and also experienced rapid economic development and its magnificent buildings.

Keywords: Baghdad, Caliph, Architecture
